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Practitioner Residency & Certification Exam Changes on the Horizon

ABC and NCOPE are working to advance the process of becoming a CPO by transitioning to new residency standards and certification exams that require both disciplines. This decision was one of the outcomes of a conference that discussed entry level practitioner...

Congratulations 2024 ABC O&P Student Scholarship Recipients!

  In proud partnership with the Orthotics and Prosthetics Foundation for Education and Research (The Foundation), we are pleased to recognize and congratulate the recipients of the 2024 ABC Orthotist & Prosthetist Scholarship and Scholarship for O&P...

Jessica Smit Selected for ABC Resident Travel Award

ABC, in partnership with The Orthotics and Prosthetics Foundation for Education and Research (The Foundation), would like to congratulate Jessica Smit, CPO, as the recipient of the 2024 ABC Resident Travel Award. Jessica was selected for her National Commission on...

ABC WhatIsPOP – Resident Webinar

Looking for ideas on how to increase O&P career awareness during your residency? Watch this WhatIsPOP session featuring a panel of orthotic and prosthetic residents who will speak on demystifying the process. Prev 1 of 1 Next ABC WhatIsPOP Resident Webinar Prev 1...

O&P Technician Newsletter – Winter 2024 Edition

In this issue: Meet O&P students and their professors as they discuss their experiences of getting started in O&P, learn about the latest programs at Spokane Falls Community College (SFCC), how clinicians integrated O&P into their personal lives, and more!...

COPA Connection December 2023 Newsletter

In this edition of the California Orthotic & Prosthetic Association’s newsletter, Mark Clary, CPO, FAAOP, Vice-Chair of NCOPE presents on the “Current State of O&P Education”. Additionally, Mellisa Warden, CSUDH student, discusses the importance of...