Academic Administrators and Faculty Members
Post-secondary O&P faculty and academic administrators are vital to the success of O&P education programs. NCOPE recognizes that the distribution of effort between teaching, research and other academic activities varies greatly across institutions and faculty. The overall purpose of programmatic accreditation is to advance the O&P profession through education. CAAHEP and NCOPE are obligated to the public, its communities of interest, and to its institutional sponsors to ensure continuous quality improvement of the programs it accredits, and the compliance of these programs with the national standards.
NCOPE Provided Resources
NCOPE Accreditation Manual
To guide educators and academic administrators through accreditation processes.
Curriculum Mapping Templates
Excel-based spreadsheets to enable curriculum mapping by the academic program faculty and staff.
AMP - Resources
Including user documentation and sample self-studies/annual reports
Accreditation Calendar
Timelines for programs actively seeking or currently holding CAAHEP accreditation.
Developing Programs
Resources for institutions interested in or actively developing an O&P program.
Maintaining Accreditation
Including information on academic program thresholds/performance standards.
NCOPE Academic Program Fees
Including information on annual fees and comprehensive accreditation/site visit fees.
CAAHEP Provided Resources
Glossary of Accreditation
NCOPE is a Committee on Accreditation under CAAHEP and endorses the CAAHEP Glossary terminology.
CAAHEP Standards and Guidelines
Including the O&P Assistant, O&P Technician, and Orthotist/Prosthetist levels of education.
Request for Accreditation Services (RAS)
Submission of the RAS is required for programs seeking initial and continuing accreditation.
Maintaining Program Data and Outcomes
Including CAAHEP contact information to update public-facing information on the CAAHEP website.
Governing Documents
Including CAAHEP Bylaws, Policies & Procedures, and CAAHEP Fees.
Program Director FAQs
A list of frequently asked questions submitted to CAAHEP by education program directors.
Academic Program Forms
Request for Accreditation Services (RAS)
The RAS is submitted to CAAHEP to initiate comprehensive accreditation.
COI Declaration Form
This form is submitted at the same time the self-study is submitted to identify potential COI with the NCOPE SSR/SV members.
Site Visit Documentation Submission
This form is used to share documents prior to and during a site visit.
Plan of Correction
When deficiencies are identified during the accreditation process, programs are required to submit a Plan of Correction.
Substantive Change
To notify NCOPE of a significant modification of the nature/scope of an O&P education program.
Self-Study Reviewer / Site Visitor Resources
Self-Study Reviewers/Site Visitors
Learn about the process and sign-up to become a site visitor.
Site Visitor Manual
Guidance for the site visitor and academic faculty/administrators on the site visit process.
Conflict of Interest/Confidentiality Agreement
This form must be submitted annually in addition to when a volunteer/staff member has any new potential COI.
Expense Reimbursement Form
Site visitors use this form to submit expenses to the NCOPE staff.
Principles of Accreditation
Professional Integrity
NCOPE staff and volunteers including commissioners, board of directors, and reviewers adhere to professional integrity in all NCOPE-related activities. All members aim to maintain accountability, impartiality, confidentiality, open communication, transparency of process, fairness and consistency throughout the accreditation process.
Advancing Standards
The Board follows established procedures to obtain input from a broad constituency to ensure the CAAHEP Education Standards reflect current best practice in Orthotics and Prosthetics.
Student Advocacy
The Board strives to protect students by ensuring safe, appropriate and effective learning opportunities.
Respecting Differences
In accordance with CAAHEP principles, NCOPE respects the integrity of instructional approaches and strategies and recognizes innovation in orthotic and prosthetic education that achieves the accreditation Standards.
Continuous Improvement
NCOPE is committed to ongoing evaluation of its policies and procedures for the purpose of continuous improvement.
- NCOPE also encourages continuous self-analysis and improvement of orthotic and prosthetic programs by representatives of the institution’s administrative staff, teaching faculty, students, governing body and other appropriate constituencies, with the ultimate aim of assuring students of quality education and ensuring patients of appropriate orthotic and prosthetic care.
Promoting Success at all Levels
NCOPE is committed to supporting programs in their efforts to meet the Standards for all CAAHEP levels of the O&P profession.
Input from all Stakeholders
The Board acknowledges that varied perspectives are necessary when making decisions. We value the comments, expertise and insights of members of the profession throughout NCOPE activities, such as the development of policies, revision of Standards and the accreditation process.