Orthotist and Prosthetist Assistant Programs
An Orthotist and Prosthetist Assistant is an individual who participates in directed orthotic and prosthetic care
while under the supervision of a certified and/or licensed Orthotist and Prosthetist. They perform orthotic and
prosthetic procedures and related tasks associated with patient care. The evaluation and formulation of the
treatment plan is the responsibility of the supervising Orthotist and Prosthetist.
Oakland University
Bachelors of Science – Orthotist and Prosthetist Assistant Studies
Department of Human Movement Sciences
3070 Human Health Building
433 Meadow Brook Road
Rochester, MI 48309-4452
(248) 370-2369
Contact: ttreanore@oakland.edu
Program Website: https://oakland.edu/shs/human-movement/orthotist-and-prosthetist-assistant-undergraduate/
The above website is external to NCOPE. If the link is not functioning, please reach out to the program contact listed above.
To learn additional information about the educational programs including accreditation decisions, please visit the CAAHEP Website.