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Workplace Culture Resources

The Orthotic and Prosthetic Alliance (O&P Alliance) is a coalition of the leading national organizations representing the orthotic and prosthetic profession. The five groups that comprise the O&P Alliance include: the American Academy of Orthotists and Prosthetists (AAOP); the American Board for Certification in Orthotics, Prosthetics & Pedorthics (ABC); the American Orthotic & Prosthetic Association (AOPA); the Board of Certification/Accreditation (BOC), and, the National Association for the Advancement of Orthotics and Prosthetics (NAAOP). Together, the O&P Alliance represents the scientific, research, professional, business, and quality improvement aspects of the O&P profession. The O&P Alliance advocates for state and federal policies that improve the practice of O&P and the quality of services provided to patients who require these healthcare services.

The members of the O&P Alliance are united in condemnation of sexual misconduct, harassment, and discrimination, and have issued an open letter affirming this position, which is linked below. To further support the profession and the patients we serve, the Alliance has developed the following resource list, which includes relevant materials in various formats along with topic summaries to help guide website visitors.*

Alliance Open Letter

  • “An Open Letter About Discrimination in O&P.” NAAOP, December 10, 2018. Video by Peter Thomas.
  • “An Open Letter About Discrimination in O&P.” The O&P Edge, December 10, 2018. Article.

Policies/Codes of Conduct/Codes of Ethics

Educational Webinars/Live Presentations

  • AAOP, Meyer, Katie. “2019 Wellness Track – WP2: Harassment in the Workplace.” AAOP 45th Annual Meeting and Scientific Symposium, March 6 – 9, 2019. Presentation, (new state of harassment after the initiation of the #MeToo movement, current interpretation of federal and state laws versus interpretations from decades past, two main forms of sexual harassment: 1. Quid Pro Quo [e.g., this for that – demanding/requesting sexual favors in exchange for professional advancement, etc.]; 2. Hostile Work Environment).
  • AAOP, “Virtual Roundtable Discussions: Workplace Harassment Awareness and Prevention.” Sponsored by The Academy’s Women in O&P Committee, November 22, 2019. Podcast.
  • ABC, “Harassment in the Workplace.” January 17, 2019. Podcast, (also with Katie Meyer, same topics as AOPA presentation).
  • AOPA, Davis, Melvin & Perrone, Joyce. “Defining, Mitigating and Reducing Harassment in the Workplace.” Healthcare Compliance in Ethics Week, AOPAversity, November 4 – 10, 2018. Webinar, (importance of updated info in current climate, hostile work environment, best defense is zero tolerance, employer’s duty of reasonable care and corrective action, #MeToo, common misconceptions, case examples).
  • AOPA, “Employment Practices Liability.” Harassment, Discrimination and Wrongful Termination Session, 2018 National Assembly. Webinar, (Gen X, Gen Y, employer liability, federal laws, wages and hours, third party claims, liability insurance, risk management services).

Power Point Presentation/Educational Materials

  • BOC, “Participant’s Guide to Preventing Harassment.” PDF, (definitions, legal guidelines, costs of harassment, prevention, barriers to taking action, final quiz).
  • BOC, “Preventing Harassment.” Power Point, (overview of harassment and definitions, harassment categories, legality versus inappropriateness, verbal versus physical, case studies).
  • EEOC, Feldblum, Chai & Lipnic, Victoria. “Rebooting Workplace Harassment Prevention: Highlights of the Report by Commissioner Chai Feldblum & Acting Chair Victoria Lipnic.” June 2016. Power Point, (types of harassment, workplace risk factors, underreporting, retaliation, intimidation, fear, role of employers, illegality of harassment, financial costs to businesses, impact on health of employees, leadership can change culture – no tolerance, risk factors, holistic approach, reporting and investigation, training, civility training, bystander intervention training).
  • NCOPE, “2019 Mentor Short Program.” 2019. Power Point, (communication skills, mentor vulnerability, moving away from “tough love” approach, general guidelines for promoting adult learning).


  • ABC, “Harassment in the Workplace.” Mark of Merit NewsletterDecember 2018, pp. 3-4. PDF, (role of bystanders and the role of leadership in prevention; policy, procedure, investigation, plan for disciplinary action).
  • ABC, “Harassment in the Workplace Series: Part 2 – We’re All in it Together.” Mark of Merit NewsletterJune 2019, pp. 1-3. PDF, (beliefs that sexual harassment is common but belief that it is not happening in our own workplace, most people who experience harassment do not report it, O&P profession is no different, ABC disciplinary process, necessity for cultural shift).
  • Rosenfeld, Larry. “Discrimination and Sexual Harassment Policies.” EntrepreneurWebsite, (companies with 15 or fewer employees exempt from federal discrimination laws, juries tend to award plaintiffs high monetary damages, low cost options for employers, creating a policy and identifying what should be included, policies aid in prevention).
  • Trotter, Richard & Zacur, Susan Rawson. “Corporate Sexual Harassment Policies: Effective Strategic Human Resource Management.” Journal of Business & Economics Research1, 2004, vol. 2, no. 3. Web Article, (circumstances in which employers are held liable for sexual harassment, definition of harassment, examples of conduct, guidelines for victims of harassment, who to report to, distribution of policy, conducting investigation, corrective action, training).
  • Watson, Carol. “#MeToo but #WhatDoWeDoNow.Diversity Best Practices. (fostering mutual respect, achieving gender equity, and instilling a culture of inclusion; ensuring gender-balanced discussions, tips on facilitating an open dialogue, resources for engaging men in #metoo discussions, power and hierarchy play a role, some actions to consider including, clearly articulate position, policies and penalties, revisit sexual harassment training).
  • Williamson, Scott. “8 Tips for Talking About Sexual Harassment With Staff.” OPIE Choice, December 14, 2017. Web Article, (goal of policy, sharing of personal experiences, expect the uncomfortable, listen, assume positive intent, take the pressure off, have language ready, put yourself in other person’s shoes).
  • “A Toolbox for Ethical O&P Workplaces.” O&P Almanac, May 2018, pp. 23-24.  Web Article, (implementing written policies, designating a compliance officer, conducting effective training and education, developing effective lines of communication, enforcing standards through well-publicized disciplinary guidelines, conducting internal monitoring and auditing, responding promptly to detected offenses).
  • “Association Issues Comments on Ant-Harassment Open Letter.” O&P Edge, December 11, 2018. Web Article, (recap of Open Letter from Alliance and comments from each Alliance member organization).


  • American Sociological Association. “ASA Anti-Harassment Resources.” (campus leaders, academic meetings, research on sexual harassment at conferences, sociology, nationwide, federal government, training programs, reports about harassment at academic meetings, other reports about harassment, current conversations).
  • Sexual Assault Resource Guide.” (Overview, what to do, crisis hotlines, online forums and support, what’s considered assault? If you want medical care, if you want a “rape kit,” if you want to make a police report, if you want legal support, if you want a therapist, long-term recovery, if you’re worried about a loved one).
  • Lean In. “Lean In: Dealing with Sexual Harassment for Individuals. Advice Information and Support for Harassment Survivors and for Anyone who wants to Help.” (Understanding the issue, discussion guides, facts about sexual harassment, sexual assault and the LGBTQ community, not just the rich and famous – the pervasiveness of sexual harassment across industries affects all workers, practicing self-care, knowing your options, helping others, know you’re not alone).
  • National Women’s Law Center. “NWLC Resource: That’s Harassment.” (10 Ways to help your company prevent harassment, sample quarterly anti-harassment check-in, recommended practices of employers when a high-profile individual is accused of harassment, resources for employees).
  • Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM). “Workplace Harassment Training Resources.” (How to revamp your harassment prevention program, training that doesn’t work, separate sexual harassment training for managers, ethics and compliance training courses).
  • Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM). “Workplace Harassment Compliance Resources.” (Don’t make harassment claims subject to arbitration, 5 ways to strengthen your anti-harassment complaint procedure, quiz: is it sexual harassment?, 5 effective ways to upgrade your policy, different types of sexual harassment, Me Too or Not Us?, omissions to policies that make them ineffective, 13 non-defenses to workplace harassment).
  • S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission. “Promising Practices for Preventing Harassment.” (Leadership and accountability, comprehensive and effective policy, effective complaint system, effective harassment training).
  • S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission. “Facts About Sexual Harassment.” (Who is victim, who is harasser, unwelcome conduct.)
  • Women in Research. “Workplace Resources: Sexual Harassment and Assault.” (recommended staps for protecting yourself and dealing with sexual harassment in the workplace, review handbook and policies, tell the harasser that the behaviors are unwanted and must stop, report your concern to your manager, resources in the U.S., Australia, E.U., U.K., Japan and other areas).


American Academy of Orthotists and Prosthetists (AAOP)
American Board for Certification in Orthotics, Prosthetics, and Pedorthics (ABC)
American Orthotic & Prosthetic Association (AOPA)
Board of Certification/Accreditation (BOC)
National Association for the Advancement of Orthotics and Prosthetics (NAAOP)
National Commission on Orthotic and Prosthetic Education (NCOPE)


*These resources are provided as general information and are not intended as legal advice related to individual situations. For this reason, we advise you to consult with your own attorney and/or other advisor regarding specific circumstances and concerns.