OPRESCAS / WebAdMIT Information
Director, Mentor, and Administrator Resources and Links
Director, Mentor, and Administrator OPRESCAS Knowledgebase
NCOPE curated knowledgebase / FAQ to assist personnel at residency programs that create configurations/applications using Prelaunch and WebAdMIT.
Residency Program Information Portal
This microsite is designed to provide program directors, mentors, and administrators with resources to access WebAdMIT, submit a program configuration and accept applications using OPRESCAS.
OPRESCAS WebAdMIT Prelaunch Login
Are you ready to build the application and start accepting applicants for your NCOPE Accredited Residency Program? Visit Pre-Launch to submit a configuration.
This link is the primary login page for residency program directors, mentors, and administrators to access to WebAdMIT to view current applications submitted via OPRESCAS.
All Residency Programs Accredited or Re-Accredited on July 1, 2017 or After MUST Participate in OPRESCAS based upon the NCOPE Orthotic/Prosthetic Residency Standards.
If you do not have a WebAdMIT account, please complete the onboarding form to get set up.
Applicant Resources and Links
Applicant OPRESCAS Knowledgebase
NCOPE curated knowledgebase / FAQ to assist persons applying for residency programs using OPRESCAS.
Candidate Portal
For persons seeking an orthotic / prosthetic residency position or information about programs actively seeking residents.