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AOPA Makes Significant Donation to The O&P Foundation

The American Orthotic and Prosthetic Association (AOPA) announced a donation of $1 million over the next five years to the O&P Foundation. This contribution underscores AOPA’s unwavering commitment to advancing innovation, education, and research in the orthotics...

The 2024 Residency Program Annual Report (PAR)

Completion of the PAR identifies to NCOPE that a residency site is in compliance with the NCOPE Residency Standards and engaged in the quality improvement processes as defined in Standard 1.5. Continuous quality improvement processes including tools such as the PAR...

Orthotic & Prosthetic Workforce Demand Study

The National Commission on Orthotic and Prosthetic Education (NCOPE) is seeking qualified individuals or a team of consultants/contractors, or non-governmental organizations to perform workforce research for the Orthotic and Prosthetic (O&P) profession. The...

Congratulations 2024-2025 ABC Scholarship Recipients!

The O&P Foundation has partnered with the American Board of Certification for Orthotics, Prosthetics, and Pedorthics (ABC) to provide scholarships to Orthotic and Prosthetic students who are currently enrolled at O&P education institutions that are accredited...

Congratulations 2024 ABC O&P Student Scholarship Recipients!

  In proud partnership with the Orthotics and Prosthetics Foundation for Education and Research (The Foundation), we are pleased to recognize and congratulate the recipients of the 2024 ABC Orthotist & Prosthetist Scholarship and Scholarship for O&P...

The Residency Program Annual Report (PAR) is Now Open

Completion of the PAR identifies to NCOPE that a residency site is in compliance with the NCOPE Residency Standards and engaged in the quality improvement processes as defined in Standard 1.5. Continuous quality improvement processes including tools such as the PAR...