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NCOPE Partners With The Foundation to Fund O&P Education Research

NCOPE seeks strong applications focused on the identification of core concepts and core principles for O&P professionals. A single, two-year grant of up to $60,000 will be awarded in 2023 for this one-time program.    To learn more about this unique funding...

O&P Technician Newsletter – Winter 2023 Edition

In this issue: Meet Joel Goltry and learn how O&P Technical School started him off on the path to success, learn about the latest happenings at Century College, and more! View the Latest NCOPE O&P Technician...

SPS Names O&P Tech Student Scholarship Winner

SPS, Georgia, has named Ana Sofia Terroba Alvarez del Castillo as the recipient of its 2022 O&P technician scholarship. Castillo, a student at Century College, was awarded the $2,500 scholarship based on her outstanding leadership qualities, community service, and...

Larry Lange Travel Fellowship Award Given to Gila Baer

Gila Baer is a Prosthetist Resident at the Shirley Ryan AbilityLab in Chicago, IL. She holds a Masters of Prosthetics and Orthotics from Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine Prosthetics-Orthotics Center and a Bachelors of Biomedical Engineering from...

Tom Karolewski on Attending the 2022 AOPA Policy Forum

Immediate Past Chair for the NCOPE Board of Directors, Thomas Karolewski, sharing his experience attending the 2022 AOPA Policy Forum in-person in Washington, DC. He sheds light on the feedback he heard from student attendees as well as from the AOPA organizers. He...