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I Want to Get the Word Out About Applying for a Residency Position at Our Company, Can I Advertise in a Periodical Like the O&P Edge or on the Company Website?

NCOPE wants residency sites to get the word out about residency positions available at all accredited sites.  If you feel it would be advantageous to let prospective residents know that you are actively looking to fill a residency position, you may share this via platforms other than OPRESCAS, but the information posted to other sources should instruct the applicant to submit their initial application using OPRESCAS.

Make sure your organization has the application visible to candidates with OPRESCAS and direct them to apply using the application portal, which is accessed at: 

Here is an example of how to direct prospective residents to your clinic’s application(s) on OPRESCAS:

The link above is external to the NCOPE website 

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